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$4.00 off
Save $4.00 off ONE Downy® ONE Downy® WrinkleGuard Fabric Conditioner 120 oz (excludes trial/travel size)
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$4.00 off
Save $4.00 off ONE Downy® In-Wash Scent Boosters 24-26.5 oz (includes Downy® Light, Unstopables, Fresh Protect, Odor Protect, Infusions) (see site for details)
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$0.50 off
Save $0.50 on ONE Tide® Simply Liquid Laundry Detergent 46oz or smaller OR Downy® Liquid Fabric Conditioner 34oz OR Downy® Sheets 34 ct (see site for details)
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$1.00 off
Save $1.00 off ONE Downy®/Tide® Rinse 25.5 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 66-103 oz (see site for details)
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$1.00 off
Save $1.00 off ONE Downy®/Tide® Rinse 48oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 111-164 oz (see site for details)
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$3.00 off
Save $3.00 On ONE Downy, Tide, Dreft OR Gain Rinse 48 oz OR Dow ONE Downy, Tide, Dreft OR Gain Rinse 48 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 140 oz (includes Downy Ultra Soft 93 oz OR Nature Inspired 111 oz) OR Downy Infusions Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Downy Light Mega Sheets 180 ct OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 18.2 oz (includes Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton, Infusions and Light) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy 19.4 oz OR Fusions 16 oz (excludes Downy Fresh 50 oz & 125 oz and trial/travel size).
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$0.75 off
Save $0.75 On ONE Tide Simply Laundry Detergent 31-42 oz OR Dow ONE Tide Simply Laundry Detergent 31-42 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 34 oz (includes Downy Fresh 50oz) OR Gain Suavizante Liquid Fabric Softener 50oz OR Downy Sheets 34 ct (includes Gain Sheets 34ct) OR Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Boosters 3.3 oz OR ERA Laundry Detergent 50 oz or smaller (excludes Tide Rinse, Downy WrinkleGuard Sheets, Downy Libre Enjuague, Gain Fireworks, Tide Detergent, Tide PODS and trial/travel size).
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$1.00 off
Save $1.00 On ONE Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 35-44 oz (inc ONE Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 35-44 oz (includes Downy Ultra Soft 26 oz) OR Downy Sheets 105-120 ct (includes Downy Mega Sheets 50-60 ct) (excludes 50 oz and125 oz and trial/travel size).
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$4.00 off
Save $4.00 On ONE Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 24-30.1 oz (incl ONE Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 24-30.1 oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy 25.6-32.2 oz OR Fusions 21.1-26.5 oz (excludes trial/travel size).
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$2.50 off
Save $2.50 On ONE Downy, Tide OR Gain Rinse 16 oz OR Downy In-W ONE Downy, Tide OR Gain Rinse 16 oz OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 5.0-5.7 oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy OR Blends 5.3-5.9 oz (excludes trial/travel size).
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$2.00 off
Save $2.00 On ONE Downy Fabric Conditioner 66-88oz (includes Do ONE Downy Fabric Conditioner 66-88oz (includes Downy Ultra Soft 38-44oz OR Cozy Collection 38oz OR WrinkleGuard 48oz) OR Downy Infusions 80-90ct OR Downy Light Mega Sheets 80-90ct OR Downy WrinkleGuard Mega Sheets 80-90ct OR In-Wash Scent Boosters 9.1 oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions), (excludes Downy Fresh 50 oz and 125oz and trial/travel size).
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$2.00 off
Save $2.00 On ONE Downy, Tide, Gain OR Dreft Rinse 36.7 oz OR D ONE Downy, Tide, Gain OR Dreft Rinse 36.7 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 100-111 oz (includes Downy Ultra Soft 56-64 oz OR WrinkleGuard 81 oz) OR Downy Sheets 240 ct (includes Downy Infusions 130 ct OR Downy Light Sheets 130 ct) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 12.2-13.4 oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy 13 oz OR Fusions 10.7 oz (excludes Downy Fresh 50 oz and 125 oz and trial/travel size).
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$5.00 off
Save $5.00 On ONE Febreze Plug Scent Booster OR Febreze Scent Booster Starter Kit (excludes trial/travel size).
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Save On $1.50 off Downy, Tide, OR Gain Rinse OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner OR Downy Sheets OR In-Wash Scent Boosters OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy (Valid on Downy, Tide, OR Gain Rinse 18 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 35-44 oz (includes Infusions 32 oz OR Ultra Soft 26 oz) OR Downy Sheets 105-120 ct (includes Downy Mega Sheets 50-60 ct) OR In-Wash Scent Boosters 5.0-6.5 oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy 5.9 oz. Excludes 50 oz and125 oz and trial/travel size). Exp: 08/31/24
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Save On $3.00 off Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy OR Fusions (Valid on Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 24-30.1 oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy 25.6-32.2 oz OR Fusions 21.1-26.5 oz. Excludes trial/travel size). Exp: 08/31/24
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Save On $2.00 off Downy, Tide OR Gain Rinse OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner OR Downy Infusions OR Downy Light Sheets OR Downy WrinkleGuard OR In-Wash Scent Boosters OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy OR Fusions (Valid on Downy, Tide OR Gain Rinse 25.5 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 66-88 oz (includes Infusions 48-64 oz OR WrinkleGuard 48 oz) OR Downy Infusions 80-90 ct OR Downy Light Sheets 80-90 ct OR Downy WrinkleGuard 80-90 ct OR In-Wash Scent Boosters 7.8-9.1 oz (includes Downy Light, Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton and Infusions) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy 8.3 oz OR Fusions 6.9 oz. Excludes Downy Fresh 50 oz and 125 oz and trial/travel size). Exp: 08/31/24
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Save On $0.75 off Tide Simply Laundry Detergent OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner OR Gain Suavizante Liquid Fabric Softener OR Downy Sheets OR Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Boosters OR ERA Laundry Detergent (Valid on Tide Simply Laundry Detergent 31-46 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 34 oz (includes Downy Fresh 50oz) OR Gain Suavizante Liquid Fabric Softener 50oz OR Downy Sheets 34 ct (includes Gain Sheets 34ct) OR Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Boosters 3.3 oz OR ERA Laundry Detergent 50 oz or smaller. Excludes Tide Rinse, Downy WrinkleGuard Sheets, Downy Libre Enjuague, Gain Fireworks, Tide Detergent, Tide PODS and trial/travel size). Exp: 08/03/24
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Save On $3.00 off Downy, Tide OR Gain Rinse OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner OR Downy Infusions Sheets OR Downy Light Sheets OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy OR Fusions (Valid on Downy, Tide OR Gain Rinse 48 oz OR Downy Liquid Fabric Conditioner 140 oz (includes Infusions 101 oz OR Nature Inspired 111 oz) OR Downy Infusions Sheets 180 ct OR Downy Light Sheets 180 ct OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters 18.2 oz (includes Unstopables, April Fresh, Cool Cotton, Infusions and Light) OR Downy In-Wash Scent Boosters Comfy Cozy 19.4 oz OR Fusions 16 oz. Excludes Downy Fresh 50 oz & 125 oz and trial/travel size). Exp: 08/03/24
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