Never Pay Full Price Again!If you’re an avid online shopper like me, you’ve probably learned a trick or two for how to save. Most people know to check for coupons and save on shipping, but the experts at LOZO have 10 different ways to save on every purchase. Ignore … [Read more...] about How to Save Money on Every Online Purchase
Always read these camera reviews before buying
Be sure to read camera reviews so you'll understand the pros & cons of a particular camera and to give you an overall sense of what's available. For a professional assessment, visit CNet, ConsumerSearch, Consumer Reports, or Top Ten Reviews. For reviews with a focus on … [Read more...] about Always read these camera reviews before buying
Choose a camera based on how you’ll use it
Prices for digital cameras range from under a hundred dollars up to several thousand which means there are plenty of options to consider. If you're planning to use the camera just for fun or to capture a few family moments here and there, you'll probably be fine with a … [Read more...] about Choose a camera based on how you’ll use it
Choose camera accessories based on your budget & your primary needs
Factor the essential accessories into your budget. Do you want a tripod? A carrying case? A larger memory card? Think about where you’ll be taking your camera and what you’ll need. If you don't need a particular accessory right now, don't buy it yet. Instead, take your time … [Read more...] about Choose camera accessories based on your budget & your primary needs
Use PriceGrabber or do your own price comparisons
PriceGrabber is a great comparison shopping site for cameras (and just about anything else too). They'll show you a set of available products with the price ranges for each so you can easily figure out which camera deal gives you the best bang for your buck. You can also do your … [Read more...] about Use PriceGrabber or do your own price comparisons