Never Pay Full Price Again!If you’re an avid online shopper like me, you’ve probably learned a trick or two for how to save. Most people know to check for coupons and save on shipping, but the experts at LOZO have 10 different ways to save on every purchase. Ignore … [Read more...] about How to Save Money on Every Online Purchase
Split up your purchases to maximize use of multiple coupons
Shoppers who have The LOZO know that they should always use coupons whenever they make a purchase. Some stores are stingy with the coupons they offer, so you're happy to get your hands on any of them at all. But some stores are known for frequently issuing coupons with various … [Read more...] about Split up your purchases to maximize use of multiple coupons
Optimize tiered discounts for the biggest savings
You've probably seen offers that look something like this: 20% off $25 in merchandise OR 30% off $40 in merchandise OR 40% off $60 in merchandiseThe industry term for this is a "tiered offer" since you have different tiers you can climb to get to each next savings … [Read more...] about Optimize tiered discounts for the biggest savings
Don’t get tricked by misleading sales and coupons
Some sales are great. Others are just designed to sound that way. LOZO exposes these tricks of the trade and shows you how to get the most value out of any sale, whatever the promotion. Here are some of the "classic" misleading promotions that retailers use. … [Read more...] about Don’t get tricked by misleading sales and coupons
Dress in fashion all season, at end-of-season prices
If you just have to have the new fashion before it goes on sale, work the system. At the beginning of a season it can be hard to find a discount better than 20-30% off. Buy from a store with a liberal return policy - try for 90-180 days. Hold onto your receipts and when your … [Read more...] about Dress in fashion all season, at end-of-season prices