Never Pay Full Price Again!If you’re an avid online shopper like me, you’ve probably learned a trick or two for how to save. Most people know to check for coupons and save on shipping, but the experts at LOZO have 10 different ways to save on every purchase. Ignore … [Read more...] about How to Save Money on Every Online Purchase
Hold out for a big discount (50% or more)
Mattress prices are usually marked up significantly by the retailer, so you should be looking for a pretty steep discount from "retail" price. Aim for 50% off at a minimum. 70-80% might be possible on an older model. If a store seems very willing to negotiate, then you can … [Read more...] about Hold out for a big discount (50% or more)
Best time to buy a mattress: May
Retailers get new models in May and are often looking to clear out old ones, so this can be an especially good time to buy. A lot of people have found that Memorial Day weekend is a particularly good mattress shopping holiday. But don't feel like you have to wait a year if your … [Read more...] about Best time to buy a mattress: May
How to out-negotiate the salesperson when buying a mattress
When you're shopping for a new mattress, keep this in mind: you're the one planning to shell out big bucks, so you have the upper hand in any negotiation. Use it! Here are our steps to out-negotiating the salesperson:Shop around. Visit several stores, try out several mattresses, … [Read more...] about How to out-negotiate the salesperson when buying a mattress
Find discount mattresses online
The internet can be a gold mine for discount mattresses, and is a great way to quickly price shop across hundreds of options. While you'll still want to try to get to a store to check for comfort, consider making the final purchase online. To find a deal, start with the online … [Read more...] about Find discount mattresses online