To save money on toilet paper, be conscious of how much you are using. A small amount of paper can go a long way. If you are in the habit of pulling out a long train of toilet tissue, try to remember that each sheet costs money. At the very least, consider switching to low … [Read more...] about Stop using (too much) toilet paper
Switch to paper at the checkout
Paper bags from the checkout can be put to use in the kitchen. Use them to supplement paper towels when draining oily food or wet vegetables. Those paper bags and newspapers are an inexpensive absorbent alternative to stacks of paper towels.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Switch to paper at the checkout
Forget paper napkins
Investing in a number of simple cloth napkins can help your budget and the environment over time. Consider your usage, the price of paper napkins and cost of laundry before making the switch. The same applies to facial tissues and handkerchiefs.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Forget paper napkins
Save convenience goods for inconvenient times
Few daily kitchen tasks should require one-use items like paper towels, paper plates or plasticware. These items go straight into the trash and are a drain on your wallet. Put some hand towels in the kitchen for drying hands. Use a sponge to clean up spills on the countertop and … [Read more...] about Save convenience goods for inconvenient times
Don’t throw paper goods away
Paper/plastic goods do not have to go immediately into the landfill. Higher quality goods might just require a quick rinse or wipe down before going back into use. Sometimes a napkin, paper towel or wipe is used for a small task or to clean up minor spills. Rather than throwing … [Read more...] about Don’t throw paper goods away