While it is always smart to shop for a good deal on the price of a car, don't forget the savings that can add up from getting better fuel mileage as well. And the higher gas prices get, the more this impacts your wallet. The cost of operating your car each year (gas, insurance, … [Read more...] about 1 MPG = $100/year
Buying at the end of the month can translate into huge savings on a new car
Car salespeople have monthly quotas & goals, which means they are even more eager to make sales at the end of each month. Just by showing up at this time could mean a few extra thousand dollars off the price of your car purchase. As always, do your research and shop ahead of … [Read more...] about Buying at the end of the month can translate into huge savings on a new car
Get the inside scoop, for free, on dealer incentives & rebates
Manufacturers will often give cash rebates of up to $4000, sometimes even more for under-selling cars. And, if you qualify, low-interest financing can also mean more affordable monthly payments. Check the latest incentives at Edmunds.com. A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Get the inside scoop, for free, on dealer incentives & rebates
Small cars can save $400-600 per year on gas and insurance alone
Not only do smaller cars generally have cheaper price tags than larger ones, they are also usually more fuel-efficient, which makes gas bills lower, too. Getting 10 miles per gallon (MPG) more out of your vehicle will, on average, save about 2-4 gallons of gas each week. That … [Read more...] about Small cars can save $400-600 per year on gas and insurance alone
Consider buying a used car instead of a new one – the lower cost and slower depreciation can add up to thousands of dollars in savings
New cars actually depreciate by $2000-3000 the minute they are driven off the lot. Once used, though, they depreciate much more slowly. In addition, used cars are generally 20-30% cheaper than new ones. The best bet is to buy a car that is 2-5 years old, since its value will … [Read more...] about Consider buying a used car instead of a new one – the lower cost and slower depreciation can add up to thousands of dollars in savings