Many cell phone companies offer free or substantially discounted cell phones when you sign up for a specific service plan. Having said that, make sure you pick a cell phone plan that works for you since that's where the real money is spent. A free phone is great, but a plan with … [Read more...] about Get a free or cheap cell phone
Cell phone plans with rollover or unlimited minutes are best
Cell phone plans that allow you to keep your un-used minutes (often called rollover minutes) will save you money on your monthly bill. That way, if you have a 'light' month, all those un-used minutes get rolled over to the next month when you'll have even more time to gab away … [Read more...] about Cell phone plans with rollover or unlimited minutes are best
Family cell phone plans are a bargain
You’ve probably heard the slogans to add an additional line for just $10 more. We'll, we're here to tell you, this is a great idea for families who talk to each other a lot. Share a plan and minutes and you’ll save over buying two or three individual contracts. This is great for … [Read more...] about Family cell phone plans are a bargain
Save money on cell phone accessories
Unless you're getting a great package deal, don't buy accessories at the same time you buy a new cell phone. Instead, shop around. You may be able to find the same accessories for a cheaper price at Amazon or a discount store like TJ Maxx. If you can wait for the long time to … [Read more...] about Save money on cell phone accessories
Two year contracts get you better deals on cell phones
Since cell phone companies prefer a longer commitment, they offer better deals when you're willing to sign up for a two-year contract rather than a one-year contract.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Two year contracts get you better deals on cell phones