By signing up for a phone company sponsored credit card, you may be eligible for discounts on your monthly phone bill. Check with your provider to see if this is an option. Be sure to scrutinize the details. If they're truly offering a discount, it may be worth it. If they're … [Read more...] about Get a phone company-sponsored credit card to get discounts on your phone bill
Ask for a lower rate
If you've been with a phone company for awhile, ask them to lower your rate. If you find that other companies offer similar programs for lower rates--even better! Have those rates available and cite them when you call your phone company.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Ask for a lower rate
Compare rates and plans
If you've been with the same landline phone company for awhile, it makes sense to shop around again. Long distance rates have dropped in recent years due to the rapid growth in cell phone usage. If you like your current carrier but find cheaper rates elsewhere, call them and see … [Read more...] about Compare rates and plans
Refer friends and save money
Most phone companies will give you a credit (ranging from $20 to $50) when you refer a new customer. Make sure your fiends mentions that you referred them to ensure you get the discount.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Refer friends and save money
Don’t pay for wrong numbers
If you call the wrong number--particularly a long distance wrong number--let your phone company know immediately thereafter to avoid being charged for the call.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Don’t pay for wrong numbers