Each school year, create a budget with your child of school expenses, including after-school or extracurricular activities. Plan out expenses for the year so you can get a realistic picture of what to expect. Involving a child in the process can help them see the expense and help … [Read more...] about Budget for school activities in advance
Look for cheaper alternatives to dorms and apartments
Alternative boarding arrangements can often be found with a little creativity. For example, nursing students can sometimes find free room and/or board with a senior citizen. Other students should consider becoming a live-in babysitter or nanny, or ask for room and board in … [Read more...] about Look for cheaper alternatives to dorms and apartments
Plan out food for after-school activities to save money
Save on the cost of eating out by providing your child with extra food for their after-school activities. Pack a sandwich, fruit, granola bars or even soup in a thermos to keep them going during their after school activities. This will save on vending machine money or take-out … [Read more...] about Plan out food for after-school activities to save money
Use doggie bags and microwaves to save money on dorm food
If your dorm allows it, keep a small microwave in your room along with some microwaveable plates and bowls. Also, when going out to eat, always get a doggie bag and have the leftovers for lunch. Pickup single serve packages in bulk from a warehouse store and keep in your room - … [Read more...] about Use doggie bags and microwaves to save money on dorm food
Consider pre-school as a cheaper alternative to day care
Many school districts offer free half-day pre-school or pre-kindergarten programs for 4-year-olds. Enroll your child so they can meet other kids in a safe and structured environment, and it will save you money, too.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Consider pre-school as a cheaper alternative to day care