One-way rates are usually higher than regular daily rates. If necessary, consider the best way to keep the price down by planning your trip accordingly. For instance, if you need a one-way rental to get to your vacation destination, consider using that car just for the length of … [Read more...] about To maximize your budget, be smart about how and when to utilize one-way rentals
Save money by picking up and returning the car at the same time of day
Most car rental companies charge in 24-hour blocks. Depending on your flight schedule, you may be able to save a whole day’s rental by picking up an hour later or dropping off an hour earlier than your flight times.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Save money by picking up and returning the car at the same time of day
Secure the best rate – and save extra time and money – by traveling outside of peak periods and holidays
Everything travel-related is more expensive during the holidays. If you can schedule your car rental outside of these peak periods, you could save hundreds of dollars - not to mention the time & gas saved from not sitting in holiday traffic! Similarly, many car rental companies … [Read more...] about Secure the best rate – and save extra time and money – by traveling outside of peak periods and holidays
Be wise about car “class” to get the best deal on a rental
Compact and sub-compact rental cars most often have the cheapest rates, and the prices increase as the size and luxury of the cars do. It is worth checking the prices for all the classes of cars you are interested in and then comparing - you may be surprised at how much more an … [Read more...] about Be wise about car “class” to get the best deal on a rental
Return the car on time and with a full tank of gas to avoid excess (& often excessive) charges
Some companies only have a grace period on your drop-off time of 30-60 minutes. This means you may end up paying for an entire extra day just by being a couple of hours late. Likewise, most companies charge double (or more) the going rate for gas at their on-site pumps, so be … [Read more...] about Return the car on time and with a full tank of gas to avoid excess (& often excessive) charges