Chances are, no one will realize you are not wearing the real thing. Replicas of designer everything from handbags and wallets to sunglasses and watches can be found for a fraction of the price of the real thing. They probably won't last as long, but even if you have to replace … [Read more...] about Knock-off accessories are much cheaper than the real thing
Family & Pets
Rent for that one-time event
Nice clothes for parties and special events can be very costly, especially if you'll only get to wear them once or twice. Look in to renting clothing and accessories for a big day. Designer handbags, jewelry and more can be rented through companies like Avelle, Wear Today, Gone … [Read more...] about Rent for that one-time event
Wash clothes less often
Most outer-layer clothes, like pants and sweaters, can be worn several times before they need to be washed. Really, how dirty does a pair of jeans get from one wear? This not only helps your clothes last longer, it saves money and the environment when you cut back on the … [Read more...] about Wash clothes less often
Take care of clothing to make it last longer
Clothing labels are there for a reason - so follow instructions for care. Look after your clothes to keep them looking great and lasting longer. Treat stains immediately and try to wash in cold water - it is cheaper to run and more gentle on fabrics. Line drying instead of using … [Read more...] about Take care of clothing to make it last longer
Keep the buttons and learn how to sew
Keep a box or drawer for extra buttons and thread. Put the buttons that come with new clothes in the box and hang on to them in case you need them. Then ask a friend or family member to teach you how to sew (or watch some videos online). Fixing a small tear or replacing a button … [Read more...] about Keep the buttons and learn how to sew