Not many people plan out a clothing budget, but it can be a great way to save money. Plan out a monthly or yearly clothing budget and stick to it. This will help avoid impulse buys. If you can't resist the urge to load up on impulse buys, then only bring cash with you. Stretch … [Read more...] about Plan a clothing budget and stick to it
Family & Pets
Save on clothes with better-value basics
Fashion trends come and go, and trying to keep up with ever-changing trends can be a costly process. Instead, stick to classic clothing in simple, versatile colors and fabrics, which are likely to stay in style for longer. Also choose clothes that suit your body type and personal … [Read more...] about Save on clothes with better-value basics
Consider reversible men’s clothes for twice the value
Reversible clothing is a great way to double a wardrobe. T-shirts, jackets and sweaters are often made reversible, and generally don't cost any more.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Consider reversible men’s clothes for twice the value
Look for clothing bargains at factory outlets and discount department stores
Factory outlet stores can be a mecca of clothing bargains, where savings of up to 75% can be found. Remember to inspect all clothing for irregularities, damage and proper fit. The same holds true for discount department stores like Ross, TJ Maxx and Marshall's, where name brand … [Read more...] about Look for clothing bargains at factory outlets and discount department stores
Head straight for the sales racks to find discounted clothing
The sales and clearance racks should be the first port of call for any bargain shopper. Skip over new, expensive lines and see what great bargains can be found on clearance, usually at the back of the store. If you see something you like that's brand new in the store, wait a few … [Read more...] about Head straight for the sales racks to find discounted clothing