A surprising amount of energy is used by appliances and electronics staying plugged in even when they are not in use. These include computers, stereos, VCRs, DVD players, cell phone chargers and most kitchen appliances. The most simple solution is to install a power strip and … [Read more...] about Unplug your electronics & appliances
Turn off TVs and lights when they are not in use
Leaving an unwatched television turned on is one of the largest energy-wasters in the world. When no one is watching, make sure to shut it off. Likewise, turn off lights when leaving a room. It doesn't seem like a big money saver for a few minutes here and there, but the savings … [Read more...] about Turn off TVs and lights when they are not in use
Be sure to get the right meter reading
Read your meter yourself each month to check your actual power consumption. Then, compare it will the electric company bills. Sometimes utility companies send bills based on estimated meter readings, rather than actual readings. In this case, you may be spending money for more … [Read more...] about Be sure to get the right meter reading
Lower the thermostat at winter parties
For winter party time, lower the heater one or two degrees an hour before people arrive. Body heat generated by people will quickly get the temperature back to where it was.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Lower the thermostat at winter parties
Keep to a constant 65-70 degrees
Keeping the house at a constant temperature is a good way to maximize savings on heating costs. Turning it up or down too much means it will just have to work harder to get the house back to the ideal temperature. A good guideline is 60 to 65 degrees when you are away or asleep, … [Read more...] about Keep to a constant 65-70 degrees