A great way to save on heating costs is to keep doors to unused rooms closed. This way the heater won't work to unnecessarily heat rooms that are not in use. Likewise, where possible, close the vents to those rooms as well (unless you have forced air heating). Limit the opening … [Read more...] about Keep the doors and vents of any unused rooms closed
Install door sweeps and draft stoppers to minimize heat loss
Small, insulating door sweeps installed on the of bottom doors can help hold heat in a room or heating zone. This is especially important for outside doors to keep the cold weather out. They are easy to install and cost less that $10. Also consider door snakes or draft stoppers … [Read more...] about Install door sweeps and draft stoppers to minimize heat loss
Choose higher efficiency ACs for lower bills
When shopping for air conditioning units, go for high-efficiency units, even if they cost a little bit more up front. For central air conditioning, go for one with seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) of 13 or better, or 14 and higher for warmer climates. Anything less … [Read more...] about Choose higher efficiency ACs for lower bills
Keep the heat away from thermostats
Avoid placing temperature-effecting devices near the thermostat. Heat from lamps or televisions will give a false reading to thermostat, causing the air conditioning to work harder than it needs to. The same rule applies with sunshine - keep the thermostat out of direct sunlight … [Read more...] about Keep the heat away from thermostats
Clean AC filters and coils
Dirty air filters and condenser coils will cause air conditioners to work harder and cost you more money. Dirty air filters reduce airflow, while dirty condenser coils retain heat. Change air filters monthly during peak cooling and heating seasons. And clean the condenser coil at … [Read more...] about Clean AC filters and coils