You can save money right now by increasing the deductible (how much you have to pay if something goes wrong) on your insurance policy. This could reduce your premium by up to 25%. Better yet, if you have already prepaid your premium and make this adjustment, you might get the … [Read more...] about Get an instant refund with a higher deductible
Get your insurance quote before you buy
Countless factors go in to calculating the cost of homeowner's insurance: location, neighborhood, age of the home, age of the electrical, plumbing and heating systems, proximity to emergency services, and more. So even though two homes may have the same sticker price, they could … [Read more...] about Get your insurance quote before you buy
Combine your insurance to save 10% or more
Ask your insurance company (or each of them) if they offer a multi-line discount. This means you save when using the same insurance company for both auto and homeowner's insurance. It could be worth 10% on BOTH of your policies.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Combine your insurance to save 10% or more
Even high-risk area homes might qualify for cheap private insurance
Homes in areas at high risk for floods, crime or other problems might normally have trouble being insured, but it's still worth checking with an agent. If you can score a policy you might save a lot compared to a government sponsored "high-risk" program.A LOZO expert posted this … [Read more...] about Even high-risk area homes might qualify for cheap private insurance
Rethink monthly payment plans for insurance
Check your bill when it comes to see if your insurance company charges extra for paying monthly instead of all at once/twice a year. If you are not sure, try multiplying the monthly rate by 12 and see if it's more than the annual rate. If you can afford the payment in full, and … [Read more...] about Rethink monthly payment plans for insurance