Check your bill when it comes to see if your insurance company charges extra for paying monthly instead of all at once/twice a year. If you are not sure, try multiplying the monthly rate by 12 and see if it's more than the annual rate. If you can afford the payment in full, and … [Read more...] about Rethink monthly payment plans for insurance
Replace older, energy-sucking appliances
Newer appliances tend to use much less energy than older models, which means lower water and electricity bills, and less strain on the environment. For example: newer washing machines use up to 60% less energy than models made a decade ago. These essentially pay for themselves … [Read more...] about Replace older, energy-sucking appliances
Best time to buy big appliances: early Fall
Holiday weekends are a popular time for sales on most things, including appliances. Just after Easter, July 4th, Thanksgiving and Christmas is a great time to look. Best of all, when new appliances are released in January and October, last season’s models go on sale. In addition, … [Read more...] about Best time to buy big appliances: early Fall
Get a tax credit for a new appliance
In what some are calling the Cash for Appliance Clunkers program, state governments are offering rebates as tax credits if you buy an energy-efficient appliance. Check with your local utility company or local government to see what they are offering. Learn more and find your … [Read more...] about Get a tax credit for a new appliance
Check for a price match, both before and after you buy
Keep an eye out for deals that pop up each week in newspaper circulars and online. If you find a good deal, just not at the store you wanted, see if they will price-match (offer to sell for the same price as the other store). Even if they don't have an official policy, often … [Read more...] about Check for a price match, both before and after you buy