SUVs and full-size cars consume huge quantities of gas. If you are a multi-car family, try to use the smaller car for most of the driving. If you are in the market for a new car, consider shopping for a smaller or hybrid vehicle. Any opportunity to drive a smaller, more efficient … [Read more...] about Save hundreds of dollars each year by driving a smaller vehicle
Plan your route ahead of time to save time and money on gas
Although it may seem simple, driving less uses less gas and costs less money. Find simple ways to limit driving - such as running all your errands at once. This will often reduce the number of miles you have to travel from home and a warmer engine uses less fuel, too. Always … [Read more...] about Plan your route ahead of time to save time and money on gas
Coast through town to get the best gas mileage in the city
Rapid acceleration and braking not only causes wear and tear on a vehicle, but is also fuel inefficient. Instead, coast whenever possible after reaching your cruising speed, by taking your foot off the gas and letting the car's momentum move you forward. This will make your drive … [Read more...] about Coast through town to get the best gas mileage in the city
Save up to $350 per year on gas by driving a car with manual transmission
Manual transmission cars get up to four miles per gallon better fuel economy than automatic transmission cars, according to Consumer Reports. This can translate into a savings of $350 each year, based on driving an average of 15,000 miles.A LOZO expert posted this tip. … [Read more...] about Save up to $350 per year on gas by driving a car with manual transmission
Cruise control to savings
Use cruise control on the highway to keep a steady pace - cars use less gas when traveling at a constant speed than when continually speeding up and slowing down. The exception to the rule, however, is in very hilly areas - cruise control is very inefficient when it has to work … [Read more...] about Cruise control to savings