At first glance a charge of 3% for a cash advance might not seem that high, but once you add in all of the related fees the costs really add up. If you are subject to a minimum fee of $10, and a cash advance interest rate of 29.9%, and maybe a $3 ATM fee, after just three months … [Read more...] about Cash advances can be more expensive than you think
Get your late fees and finance charges wiped out by asking
Even the most diligent among us can forget things, like paying the credit card bill on time, especially with shortened payback periods and the unpredictability of the mail. If you are a good customer and have not been late before you can ask to have the fees reversed. There's no … [Read more...] about Get your late fees and finance charges wiped out by asking
If you don’t carry a balance: earn extra bonuses by using your card on a wide range of purchases
If you are good at avoiding fees by paying your balance in full, and like the rewards you are earning when you charge, expand your benefits by charging whenever possible - which may be at more places than you think. Utility companies often let you pay by credit card and you can … [Read more...] about If you don’t carry a balance: earn extra bonuses by using your card on a wide range of purchases
If you carry a balance: save money on every purchase by not charging it
Even if you avoid late fees and penalties which can make it worse, the regular interest you pay on your card balance effectively makes every purchase more expensive. Consider this: if you typically roll over your balance for a year and pay 18% interest, then your $30 gas purchase … [Read more...] about If you carry a balance: save money on every purchase by not charging it
Intro rates matter, but they are merely the introduction to what could be a life of higher fees
If you normally carry a balance on your card, and want to get some immediate savings with a low intro rate offer, this can be a good way to immediately save some cash. However, the regular rate is where your balance will spend most of its time so pay just as much or more … [Read more...] about Intro rates matter, but they are merely the introduction to what could be a life of higher fees