Many stores, particularly supermarkets, will offer you the chance to take out cash via your debit card when you make a purchase. This can be a fee-free way to access your funds instead of paying ATM fees. Sometimes all it takes is a small purchase, say a pack of gum, to take … [Read more...] about Avoid ATM fees by taking your cash out while you make a purchase
Save money on stamps with online bill payments
Many banks offer online bill payments for free, and will often even mail the letters for you. You can specify the day to make the payment so you can still balance your checkbook the way you like. Plus you can setup alerts and/or auto payments to help you avoid late fees. You can … [Read more...] about Save money on stamps with online bill payments
Save on checks by buying online
The checks you buy from a reputable online site or mail-order company are perfectly valid; you just need to provide the account details which appear on your current checks. You can save 50% or more this way versus buying from your own bank. Options include Wal-Mart and Costco.A … [Read more...] about Save on checks by buying online
Keep your kids away from bank fees, look for free accounts
Paying fees on a small child's savings account will wipe out any potential gains, so ask your bank if they have fee-free account for kids with no minimums, or if your status with the bank is enough to get the fees waived for them. In particular make sure they don't charge a … [Read more...] about Keep your kids away from bank fees, look for free accounts
Ask your bank if you qualify for any special deals, or sign up to get them
Banks may offer better rates to shareholders, senior citizens, employees of certain companies and members of certain affiliated groups. Ask your banker what types of deals are out there and whether you qualify - you might be surprised to find out you already do. It's also worth … [Read more...] about Ask your bank if you qualify for any special deals, or sign up to get them