Every credit reporting agency offers a credit tracking service which can cost you $10 or more per month. If you feel you need this kind of protection, keep in mind that you will be billed automatically and the charges will keep adding up - it could be $100-200 per year, every … [Read more...] about Be mindful about free trials and automatically renewing credit services, the fees can really add up
Extend your car’s life by changing your oil and oil filter regularly
We know they can feel like a pain in the butt, but getting regular oil changes for your vehicle is the most important thing you can do to keep your car running smoothly and to get the best gas mileage. They can save you anywhere from $500 to $3,000 in repair and … [Read more...] about Extend your car’s life by changing your oil and oil filter regularly
Save $300 or more per year by keeping your car properly tuned
It is much cheaper to pay for regular tune-ups than to pay for costly repairs that can result from your car breaking down - and breaking down is much more likely if the car is not properly maintained. In addition, cars that are poorly tuned use 25%-35% more gasoline, a waste of … [Read more...] about Save $300 or more per year by keeping your car properly tuned
Add thousands of miles to the life of your tires by having them balanced every year
Improperly balanced tires can not only wear out the tread on the tires, but can also wear out the vehicle's shock absorbers and damage the vehicle's suspension system - both of which can lead to costly repairs. Get tires balanced every year to drive safer and save money on car … [Read more...] about Add thousands of miles to the life of your tires by having them balanced every year
Read the owner’s manual and follow the recommended maintenance schedule to keep your car running smoothly and to avoid thousands in repair costs
Surprisingly, most people never read their car's manual - even though that is the biggest key to keeping a car running smoothly and trouble-free. A few hundred dollars per year in proper maintenance can avoid thousands of dollars in future repairs. Review & follow the maintenance … [Read more...] about Read the owner’s manual and follow the recommended maintenance schedule to keep your car running smoothly and to avoid thousands in repair costs